Name: Ronnie
Age: 18
Country: USA
Desired position: Administrator or game mod
Languages you speak: English
Msn: Ask me.
Coding Languages you know:
Coding Experience:
Coding Softwares you use:
Designing Experience:
Designing Softwares you use:
Online Gallery/Portfolio:
Do you know how to create .ani files?
Do you know how to create .elu files?
Have you got Photoshop? Yes(don't know how to use it that well)
Version? CS4
Do you have nVidia DDS plug-ins?
Do you know how to unpack/pack a .mrs file?
Do you know how to encrypt .mrs file?
Do you know how to work with Hex Workshop?
Do you know how to edit XML files?
Can you create GunZ Maps?
Are you good at GTKGradinet?
Experience with map lighting [light map]:
Do you create your own textures?
Mapping/textures Gallery URL:
3D Modeling Experience:
3D Modeling Softwares you use:
Online 3D Gallery URL:
Personality: Nice
Do you speak English well?: Yes
Communication ability: Good imo
Are you mature?: Yes
Previous Experience: Forum admins at other places
Pros: I care a lot, like to talk and solve issues, dislike hackers/glitchers, easy to get a long with, like to meet new people.
Cons: I don't know really, I blurt out random stuff when I'm bored sometimes
Do you know anything about database setup, MySQL server or WAMP: No
Do you have TeamViewer? No
Why do you want to apply for that position?: Because I'd like to help our community, and get to know people and punish the people who are bad. I like being helpful, and I think that me being an admin or gm would make me way more helpful as I have the power to actually help people in need.
Anything else: Thanks for considering me, I hope I get to partake in being a helpful individual.